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What is Sex Therapy? Sex Therapy is the process of addressing topics related to sex and sexuality with a trained mental health therapist who has taken more training or courses outside of what is required for clinical licensure. Sex therapy also involves addressing mental health (depression, anxiety, etc) and how it impacts sexual functioning or dysfunction.

Where do we meet? I offer virtual sessions via Zoom as well as in person couples counseling or individual counseling in the Pac Heights area of San Francisco and the Pill Hill area of Oakland. Both offices are easily accessible from other areas of San Francisco or the Greater East Bay, including Berkeley and Walnut Creek. I love meeting in person, and if you feel comfortable highly encourage you to meet me at one of my office spaces.

How often do we meet? I offer weekly or bi-weekly 50 minute sessions. My availability is subject to change.

Are you going to judge me? I won’t judge you - I promise. I am here to work with you to help you find more peace, joy, and pleasure in your life - and that starts with a comfortable, non-judgmental space where we can work together.

How will I know if therapy worked? I know that many times we are desperate for therapy to “work” - and FAST. Generally, working with a therapist doesn’t have easy-to-see results after just a session or two, and I encourage you to be patient with your progress. But don’t be discouraged - in my opinion, therapy begins to “work” the first time we meet, because you are already honoring your experience and allowing yourself to process with the help of a trusted source.

Do I also need a "regular therapist?" Nope - we don’t only work on topics or issues related to sex and sexuality; I am also your “regular therapist.”

How will I know if you're the right therapist for me? Finding the right therapist is so important, and sometimes the vibe just isn’t right. I offer free 20 minute consultations over the phone to see if we might be the right fit. If we work together for a bit and you are not finding it to be what you’re looking for, I also encourage you to let me know.

Do you offer sliding scale? I do offer sliding scale, with consideration of circumstances.

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